Soileir Ageing and Dementia

Supporting Ageing & Dementia

I’ve learned that people will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel
— Maya Angelou

The later years in life can bring many challenges, but also opportunities for truly meaningful times. It is a time when good support is built around trusted relationships, and effective communication that creates moments of significant connections between people. This can be between family members, or between staff and those they are caring for. Using theories of Person Centred Care, Positive Behaviour Support and other Psychological Approaches, we can develop programmes in-house tailored specifically for your needs. Training is aligned with HIQA Standards.

Topics that we can cover include:

  • Understanding some of the challenges associated with ageing

  • Looking at how relationships change at this time and how they can be maintained

  • Understanding Dementia & Cognitive Decline

  • Communicating effectively when words begin to fail

  • Active Listening and Supporting Responsive Behaviours

  • Working towards a restraint free environment